Chad Greenlee

Instructor: Sunil Bald & Kent Bloomer
This drawing is an abstraction of the Beinecke Library plaza. The drawing became an investigation in the rigid grid contained by the plaza and the different geometrical forms within. I found the circular form to be the most intrusive and began my investigation by deforming the grid system and the facade of the Beinecke using the circular form as a type of framework for the drawing.
-Displayed in 2015 Yale Architecture Gallery

In this two drawing series I began to question the issue of the intersection in complex geometries. The series starts by studying the intersection of three helices. The drawing uses a shading and construction lines to try to imagine what this complex intersection may look like. In the second drawing the intersection becomes its own standalone object. The study revealed how many true variations of the intersection there were based on twisting quality of the helices. A slight manipulation in the frequency of the helix would produce an entirely new form.

Here, another two drawing series starts with rather ambiguous line drawings. The following axonometric volume is a simultaneous reading and interpretation of one drawing as a plan the other as a section. From this axonometric drawing the volume becomes abstracted further and is studied through model form.