Chad Greenlee
Maplewood Pavilion was constructed on Maplewood Farm in Lucas Ohio close in relation to the historical Malabar Farm. I was interested in the variety of spaces that could be created with a limited number of pieces. As I searched the farm looking for the perfect site midst the ending of the winter snows, I found a patch of moss covered rocks emerging from a smooth white blanket of freshly fallen snow. The site is located on the edge of a gully that channeled its way down into the farm and sits just off the edge of a neighboring horse trail owned by the local equestrian center. The narrative experience of searching for the perfect site became a major element in this design process. After a hike up the hill, I wanted to create a resting place where the viewer could meditate over the oddity of the random rubble pile that overlooks the Maplewood property. The project uses solid walnut, cottonwood, recycled aluminum sheet roofing, and over five thousand pounds of cast concrete.